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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-04-14  浏览次数:546  【去百度看看】



                                 General Situation of Xinda Group

    Changchun Xinda Petroleum Group was founded in 1988 (growing out of Changchun City Goods Cooperation Co., Ltd). The Company is a corporate enterprise reformed from a state-owned enterprise with 1530 staffs, total assets of RMB 2.44045 billion Yuan . From 2009 to the end of 2011, the Company has paid RMB 2.12600 billion Yuan of taxes and ranked the third, second and fourth of private enterprises separately over the past three years.
    During the development process for more than twenty years, Changchun Xinda Petroleum Group has been learning and practicing reform and open up policy of China and various economic policies, and adhering to the enterprise spirit of believing in yourselves, overcoming difficulties, striving for excellence and promoting scientific development, establishing enterprises in three industries and founding eleven branch companies, including the following companies. Petroleum Industry: Jilin Province Xinda Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd, Nong’an Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd of Changchun Xinda Petroleum Group, Changchun Xinda Petroleum Group Co., Ltd, Shijiazhuang Jinhe Petrochemical Industry Co., Ltd, Changchun Chuncheng Service Area Co., Ltd and Dehui City Chunda Highway Service Areas Co., Ltd; Financial Industry: Changchun Xinda Guarantee Co., Ltd, Nong’an County Wanli Microcredit Co., Ltd and Changchun City Xingmin Microcredit Co., Ltd; Real Estate Industry: Changchun Xinda Real Estate Development Co., Ltd and Changchun Meicheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.
    Xinda Petroleum Group has developed rapidly, efficiently and stably in the past twenty years, adhering to people oriented and focusing on team-building. The Company has always abided by the core ideologies of loving Xinda as much as their families, performing as a qualified worker, building beautiful homelands and enjoying the achievements of development and implied the credit management strategies of moral quality, oils, products, fine products, high quality and good price, creating a civilized, harmonious, prosperous and happy enterprise. The Company has achieved outstanding achievements. 
    At present, bathing the sunshine of the deepening reform and rapidly development of private economy, Xinda Petroleum is establishing a large-scale petrochemical city of Nong’an with a new look; creating a safe, cheerful and happy brand by building urban residence with appropriate geomancy for people and balance the industrialization, urbanization and modernization of rural property; reforming and upgrading the financial enterprise to offer services for small scale enterprises, so as to make new and further contribution of Xinda Petroleum Group for economic development and social progress in Jilin.


地 址:农安县炼油厂北侧

电 话:炼油厂办公室0431-89931666 



邮 编:130051

Q Q:87221842 

网 站:http://www.jlxdsy.com

邮   箱:ccxdsy@163.com

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